Forum Activity for @michael

01/07/25 02:21:21PM
7,793 posts

Profile Tweaks

Design and Skin Customization

Profile Tweaks allows the profile owner to adjust their profile. That level of user will not have access to the form designer. The form designer is an admin only (owner of the site) level tool.
01/07/25 02:19:40PM
7,793 posts

Form Designer

Installation and Configuration

You have to have a base size then you can adjust from there.

Valid base sizes are:

if from there you want to specify more you can by adding
 width="20" height="20"
to the jrImage_display function.

So the SIZE is to get the cached version out to the screen then those extra parameters are to fine tune it. You wouldn't use a size of 1280 then a width of 20 because the load time would be high and the image tiny.
01/05/25 02:37:28AM
7,793 posts

Form Designer

Installation and Configuration

the .img_scale class will be in most skins and will do the auto scaling for you. If your skin doesn't have it then its this:
.img_scale {
  width: 100%;
  border-radius: 5px;

or maybe you're wanting

updated by @michael: 01/05/25 02:38:23AM
12/27/24 10:07:24PM
7,793 posts

Spectrum Module

Using Jamroom

The best place to see what works is inside the modules themselves. They for the most part all share the same structure.

include.php // where internal functions go
index.php // where the views go. (functions starting with view_.......() and correspond to a URL pattern.

eg: view_jrProfile_avacardo() corresponds to the URL:

Inside that page you can put whatever you want.

So for you you might make a simple module that just has those 2 files and call it maStuff or xxStuff then you could use for whatever you wanted.

There's a few more conventions but that's a basic one the exists. Sometimes it can be hard to see the conventions on the larger modules because there's also so much other stuff going on.
12/27/24 10:01:47PM
7,793 posts

Form Designer

Installation and Configuration

There's lots of tweaks to it you can do but a pretty standard way would be:

<div>{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrProfile" type="profile_bg" item_id=$item._item_id size="large" crop="auto" class="my_profile_bg_image_class other_class_i_want_to_use img_scale" alt="profile background image" width=false height=false}      </div>

the item_id= part needs to use whatever variable the item id is on for the page where you're using it.
12/25/24 09:21:07PM
7,793 posts

exclude list buttons

Design and Skin Customization

There's probably other ways too but the first thing my mind jumps to is using the "Events and Listeners" system to filter it out.

Docs: Events and Listeners

There are 'events' all over the place that allow you to tap into the flow of things and adjust whatever you want.

You do that by building a simple module for your site then adding a listener. The way it works is all of the info for that point in time comes into your listener function on the $_data array, then you pass it back out to where it came from when you're finished.

In the function you unset anything you dont want set or set things you do want set.

The non-coding way to do it that might work too is using the button controller button that you can see on the right when logged in as admin. open that for where you're wanting and turn off the buttons you dont want.
control.jpg control.jpg - 435KB
12/25/24 09:15:04PM
7,793 posts

Spectrum Module

Using Jamroom

That would be if you are creating a form inside a module via php.
12/22/24 08:15:25PM
7,793 posts

share template

Design and Skin Customization

If its missing in the module itself then its probably falling back to something else. Most likely the jrAction modules version of it, so if you create an override for that it should help avoid needing to add templates to the modules. The problem with adding templates to the modules is they will not be there if the module is updated.
12/22/24 08:12:57PM
7,793 posts

Spectrum Module

Using Jamroom

It certainly is possible. A module made by The Jamroom Network is no different than a module Made By You. Even the core of jamroom is a moudle.

So modules are a core concept in jamroom.

You can create either a dedicated module that does something specific or a general module where you chuck all your changes for your specific site.

From there..... actually...

What might be more useful to you is: there already is jrCore_page_custom().

                        $html = '<div id="pl-addon-options"><!-- addons load here --></div>';

It will depend a lot on whether you're wanting to use the Form Designer to build the form or if you're building the form in php. The code above allows you to pass anything you want in and make it part of the form.

You'd generally use that method when its your modules form. If you're injecting into another modules form then either the Form Designer method or the Events and Listeners system are other ways to accomplish changing whats in a form.

For the form designer method you'd make a custom form field type that could be added via the Form Designer. To do that you'd use your module to create a form field type.

Lets look at 'daterange' since its very specific and is easily searched on in your IDE and is pretty simple.

First the jrCore module adds this line to its _init() function to register the form type:
    jrCore_register_module_feature('jrCore', 'form_field', 'jrCore', 'daterange');
Then these 3 functions are defined (you could do this in include.php, but the core is a big module so for tidyness it has an included form.php file where all form stuff is)
function jrCore_form_field_daterange_display($_field, $_att = null)....
function jrCore_form_field_daterange_attributes()
function jrCore_form_field_daterange_assembly($_field, $_post)

If your custom field type was really simple you might not need _attributes() and _assembly().

Take a look at those functions, see if that's enough to get you going.
12/22/24 02:39:23AM
7,793 posts

Spectrum Module

Using Jamroom

Good on you for trying to understand, I know it can be complicated.

Any module that you can use the CUSTOM FORM fields on is using what we call a 'datastore'. Its a KEY -> VALUE database structure:

It gives modules flexibility to interact with each other.

Basic Concept:
* info gets INTO the database via forms.
* info comes out of the database via templates. (usually via {jrCore_list} )

There's a ton of over-ride points to pretty much everything which allows for a lot of flexibility but it does create a lot of complexity unfortunately.

So: If you add something to some modules form like spectrum, when you add it you'll have to choose a name to add it on that starts with the 'prefix' of the module, so for the jrBlog module its 'blog_..... for jrAudio its 'audio_....... etc.

So when you open the CREATE or the MODIFY form and save it all the info gets stored along with that thing's '_item_id'.

Now its just info in the database, but if you go to a location where you can see the other info related to that item id you can customize the templates to do whatever you want.

So you need to decide what you want the color selected by spectrum to do. Once you know what you want it to do then you adjust the templates so it does that.